Friday, August 26, 2005

And so it begins...

I decided to commemorate turning old by starting a blog. The way I know I turned old is because my life flashed before my eyes and it looked like a first grade pie chart...shoot! quarter of a century!

Speaking of quarters, the one comforting association with turning 25 is the quarter collection of my youth. Unfortunately, my youth was so long ago that quarter collections weren't even interesting. They all look the same. But I had lots of them. Still do. (No, seriously, 50 dollars). Someone should probably talk to my parents.

The most depressing association is, in my optimistic youth, I decided that if I was single at 25 I'd go pseudo-bridal shopping. You know, buy a sparkly CZ ring, cut some pictures out of the Eddie Bauer catalog, try on pretty dresses, sample catering options. At the time it seemed like a good idea. I think it's the female equivalent to test-driving Porsches, but I can't help wondering if, despite the cake samples, there's more dignity in cars...

Maybe I'll just organize my quarters.


At 6:56 PM, Blogger beck said...

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At 6:58 PM, Blogger beck said...

I'd recommend test-driving Porsches over trying on wedding dresses any day.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger k said...

I'm SO with you! I'll come pseudo-bridal shopping with you and then we'll go sample wedding cakes. If we feel silly then we'll go test drive cars we can't afford to see if that's more dignified. Btw, I'm not some random internet stranger, I went to college with Becky (Beck, provide good references for me!). I live in L.A. I think we should contact the Laguna Nigel Ritz Carlton for the fake reception. It's really pretty, on a cliff overlooking the ocean.


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